#title(Hank Johnson)
*Hank Johnson [#m1c90ae5]


**2015/1/13 18:55の投稿 [#k40f2fd8]


Please ignore transmission problems I am in a difficult place to communicate.  I am br e aking s ilence for obvious reasons. It would be very easy to misinterpret the video captured through some unknown means of Jahan and I. Do not mistake her passion for treachery. I realize the need for the N’zeer to be summoned and the duality to be resolved. I understand that the battle between the N’zeer and the Shapers is not a c hess game where one side is checkmated, but it is more like Go in which each side mu st e ternally a ckowledge the z en of the existence of the other, and in fact can only proceed with this acknowledgem ent. I intend to proceed to the A nomaly sit e and be returned to my mortal coi l to live out life naturally.  I ask that none interfere.

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