#title(Niantic Project)

*Niantic Project [#c6a3cb59]
[[Niantic Project:https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject/about]]の投稿を翻訳していきます。おそらくこのアカウントからたどっていくとストーリー展開が把握しやすいかと思います。


**2015/3/12 16:23の投稿 [#g87bffc9]


[[+Susanna Moyer:https://plus.google.com/+SusannaMoyer]] recovers an old NIA document, from the era before the launch of the [[Niantic Project:https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject]], that discusses a program called Truthseeker. 

>Susanna Moyerは、Niantic Projectの設立前の時期から、真実の探求者と呼ばれるプログラムを議論する古いNIAの書類を取り戻した。

It seems +H. Richard Loeb (also known as P. A. Chapeau) may have built something called Truthseeker before he joined the Niantic Project to help tune +A Detection Algorithm. 

>(P.A. Chapeauとしても知られている)LoebはADAの調整に協力するためにNiantic Projectに参加する前から、真実の探求者と呼ばれるものを構築していたかもしれないようだ。

If you read between the lines, the real question emerges: Was Truthseeker a component that went into creating ADA? If so, what are the implications of that? What is Truthseeker?

>もし行間を読むならば、本当の疑問が現れる:真実の探求者はADAの構成に含まれるコンポーネントだったのか? もしそうなら、その意味はなんだ? 真実の探求者とはなんだ?



**2015/3/11 17:36の投稿 [#e5ca51ab]


[[+Hank Johnson:https://plus.google.com/+HankJohnsonNomad]] shares an emotional farewell to his friend and collaborator, Azmati.



**2015/3/10 17:06の投稿 [#w54385cd]


A local contact sent this my way. It seems we can add +Yuri Alaric Nagassa to the list of individuals missing since the incident at the 13MAGNUS Nest in Afghanistan on the eve of the first Shōnin Anomalies.


#ref(バックストーリー/Google+アカウント/Niantic Project/NagassaMissing.png)

**2015/3/9 7:52の投稿 [#u0171bee]

Analysis of recent events from P. A. Chapeau.

>P.A. Chapeauからの最近の事象の解析だ。

And if he know's something about [[+A Detection Algorithm:https://plus.google.com/+ADetectionAlgorithmADA/]]'s recent troubles, he's not saying. Perhaps that's for the best.




**2015/3/8 15:01の投稿 [#fabdb516]


A message from [[+Hank Johnson:https://plus.google.com/+HankJohnsonNomad]].

>Hank Johnsonからのメッセージ。

After the powerful XM event that took place at the 13MAGNUS Nest in Afghanistan, the status of a number of key investigators remained unknown.

>アフガニスタンの13MAGNUS Nestで行われた強力なXM事象の後、何人かの重要な研究員の消息はわかっていなかった。

It seems we can now confirm that [[+Hank Johnson:https://plus.google.com/+HankJohnsonNomad]] not only survived Jahan's Shōnin ritual, but has emerged transformed...

>Hank Johnsonが証人儀式を生き残っただけでなく、生まれ変わったことを、我々は現在確認出来るようだ。



**2015/3/7 1:43の投稿 [#m12c21a3]


The first frayed threads of [[+A Detection Algorithm:https://plus.google.com/+ADetectionAlgorithmADA/]]'s most vulnerable secret... The scientists were too busy with their own research to realize that they were the real experiment at the heart of the [[+Niantic Project:https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject]].

>ADAの最大の弱点となる秘密の最初の解きほぐされた筋道... 科学者達はNiantic Projectの中心となる本当の実験であると気づくには、自分たち自身の研究で忙しすぎた。



MOYER//Can I trust you? Give me something I can use.

>あなたを信じていいの? 私が動ける何かをもらえないかしら。

KLUE//ADA's afraid of the N'zeer. But not for the reasons you might think.




KLUE//She's been lying. She's been keeping key truths from a lot of people. And now ADA thinks these truths are going to be revealed to the world. It's become her obsession.


WARNING / / / /

KLUE//Whether she's distracted or no longer needs me, our bond is breaking.


MOYER//Well what happens then?


KLUE//Hopefully I survive.


MOYER//What is it ADA's lying about?


KLUE//Them. All of them.




KLUE//NIANTIC. They've been so busy doing their research they didn't realize they were the experiment.


**2015/3/6 3:32の投稿 [#df5a453e]


Urgent, breaking news. At 18:00UTC 31 XM Shards connected to [[+Devra Bogdanovich:https://plus.google.com/+DevraBogdanovich]] emerged in the Portals.

>緊急のニュース速報。UTC 18:00に、Devra Bogdanovichと繋がれた31個のXMシャードがポータルに出現した。

This is developing. Keep your ears to the ground.



#ref(バックストーリー/Google+アカウント/Niantic Project/Devra.png)

**2015/3/5 16:17の投稿 [#q7860c5b]


Earlier today I uncovered an intriguing series of transmissions between two unknown individuals.


A group of Niantic Investigators with expertise in cryptanalysis has spent most of the day working with these messages and the data contained within, attempting to make sense of it all. Some Agents asked me to withhold the information that was discovered, but both in the interest of fairplay as well as the high priority nature of this intel, I'm making parts of it public.


I suspect that the messages may be connected to the XM event in Afghanistan during which both [[+Devra Bogdanovich:https://plus.google.com/+DevraBogdanovich]] and Ezekiel Calvin are confirmed to have disappeared, although it now seems that they were not the only two researchers affected by the massive burst of energy released in the wake of Jahan's Shōnin ritual.

>そのメッセージは、Devra BogdanovichとEzekiel Calvinの二人が消失したと確認された、アフガニスタンのXMイベントと関連しているかもしれないと疑っているが、今では、Jahanの証人儀式をきっかけにした大規模なエネルギー解放の爆発によって影響した研究者は、彼ら二人だけではなかったようだ。


**2015/3/4 12:01の投稿 [#u6d44dc9]


Chapeau warned that this was coming.


After the massive XM event at the 13MAGNUS Nest in Afghanistan during the first Shōnin Anomalies, news emerged that a number of Niantic Researchers had disappeared, including [[+Devra Bogdanovich:https://plus.google.com/+DevraBogdanovich]] and Ezekiel Calvin. It seems likely that they weren't the only two to go missing. Now, [[+IQTech Research:https://plus.google.com/108020987035258478791]] is attempting to take control of the missing scientists' research data and other personal effects.

>最初の証人アノマリーにおけるアフガニスタンの13MAGNUS Nestでの大規模なXMイベント後、Devra BogdanovichとEzekiel Calvinを含む、消失したNiantic研究員たちの数がニュースで明らかになった。それによると、消失したのは二人だけではないようだ。現在、IQTech Researchは消失した科学者の研究データや他の個人成果を制御しようと試みている。

Lorazon is right to worry. I sense the competition over these highly valuable resources will heat up fast.



#ref(バックストーリー/Google+アカウント/Niantic Project/SkeletonKey.png)

**2015/3/3 18:43の投稿 [#p78933e4]


"The general impression I get is that pretty much everybody is at a loss right now. Key people have disappeared, and even the spooks are spooked."




**2015/3/2 17:03の投稿 [#sb7fc0c4]


MI20, a secret British Intelligence Agency, uncovered a series of XM Powerspots across the UK.


It is unknown if the Agency still exists, but it seems that part of their database of Portals fell into the hands of a Bristol-based Creative Agency, which exploited the knowledge for the benefit of their clients, including a high-fashion footwear vendor known as Schuh.



#ref(バックストーリー/Google+アカウント/Niantic Project/MI20Powerspots.png)

**2015/3/1 11:14の投稿 [#g9d71cc1]


The truth about [[+A Detection Algorithm:https://plus.google.com/+ADetectionAlgorithmADA/]]'s beginnings lies hidden deep in an offline archive of data.


It seems [[+Klue S.:https://plus.google.com/+KlueS]] is seeking [[+Susanna Moyer:https://plus.google.com/+SusannaMoyer]]'s help to obtain this information. 

>Klueはこの情報を入手するためにSusanna Moyerの支援を求めている。

Three questions emerge.


The first question is: will Moyer help Klue and ADA?


The second question is: Will ADA honor her promise? Will she allow Klue to go her own way after having known the Algorithm's inner workings so intimately?

>二番目の質問は:ADAは約束を尊重するつもりなのか? とても本質的なアルゴリズム内部の仕組みを知られたことで、彼女はKlueに好きにさせることを許可するつもりなのか?

The third, and most important question is: Is ADA ready to learn the uncomfortable truths about her own creation?




MOYER//Why am I here, KLUE? What do you want from me?

>どうして私をここに、Klue? 私に何をして欲しいの?

KLUE//I need your help.


MOYER//Since when does ADA want my help? She's everywhere. Whatever she wants, she gets.

>いつからADAは私の協力が欲しいと? 彼女はどこにでもいる。彼女の望むものは何でも、手に入れる。

KLUE//That was before NIANTIC fell apart. Now she's hunted. She needs me to help her learn the TRUTH about herself. And in return she'll let me break free. A clean separation.


MOYER//You still haven't told me what you want from me.


KLUE//The information is offline. We think we know where it is. We just need someone who can acquire it.


MOYER//I gave up that game, KLUE.


KLUE//Maybe. But I know what you can do. And I know something else. You're good at it.


**2015/2/28 15:56の投稿 [#cf8dda7d]


Where's Calvin? The CEO of [[+IQTech Research:https://plus.google.com/108020987035258478791]] has disappeared after a major XM event in Afghanistan.

>Calvinはどこだ? IQTech ResarchのCEOはアフガニスタンでの大規模なXMイベントの後、姿を消した。

Based on this recently leaked intel, it appears that the AC-130 monitoring Jahan's N'zeer summoning ritual at the 13MAGNUS nest in Afghanistan made an automatic emergency landing shortly following the massive XM energy burst.


When operatives arrived at the plane, Ezekiel Calvin was not on board...

>調査員がその飛行機のところに到着したとき、Ezekiel Calvinは機上にいなかった...


#ref(バックストーリー/Google+アカウント/Niantic Project/Anomaly.png)

LORAZON: 「Calvinの居場所が突き止められない」とは、いったいどういう意味なんだ?&br;
OPERATIVE: 彼はカブールの北東、おおよそ180キロメートルのGhostriderに乗っていました。その機からの最後のメッセージはxxxxxxxxxx 乗っていた飛行機は大規模な電気的妨害があり、パイロットは...&br;
LORAZON: パイロットは、何だ?&br;
OPERATIVE: 混乱しています。彼はxxxxxxxxxx&br;

LORAZON: Ghostriderは墜落したのか?&br;
OPERATIVE: ちょうどクンドゥーズの北部に自動操縦で着陸し、非常用ビーコンが始動しました。我々は2時間以内にそこへ救助に向かいました。&br;
LORAZON: 乗組員は死んでいたのか?&br;
OPERATIVE: いいえ。全ての乗組員は意識不明で、治療のために搬送しなければいけませんでした。精神が錯乱しており、危険な状態の可能性があります。多分脱水症状ですが...&br;
LORAZON: 3時間で?&br;
OPERATIVE: その通りです。&br;
LORAZON: それで、Calvinは?&br;
OPERATIVE: 乗っていませんでした。&br;
LORAZON: そのエリアの洗い出しを始めるんだ。いくつか偵察機も投入しろ。現地の人員全てに召集をかけろ。彼を取り戻すまで、私が指揮を執る。彼を取り戻すならば、だが。&br;
OPERATIVE: 別の可能性がありますが。&br;
LORAZON: それは気づいている。十分わかっている。彼を発見して、それが間違いであることを証明しろ。&br;
OPERATIVE: 了解。早急に。&br;

**2015/2/27 7:34の投稿 [#i287312f]


[[+Susanna Moyer:https://plus.google.com/+SusannaMoyer]] reports from Austin as the Factions collide in a fierce contest for the first Shōnin Anomalies, including the narrowest margin victory in Ingress history.

>Susanna Moyerは、イングレス史上もっとも僅差での勝利を含め、最初の証人アノマリーの両陣営が激しく争いぶつかり合うオースティンから報告した。

In a day marked by ambitious fielding and tireless ground efforts, over 6000 Agents rose to the challenge across Europe and the Americas, with more than 2000 in Florence and over 1300 in Austin at the largest US Anomaly to date.


In the wake of Enlightened victories over Florence and Austin, new intel emerged from a woman known only as The Acolyte. In the video that surfaced, the Acolyte claims that [[+Roland Jarvis:https://plus.google.com/+RolandJarvisLives]] has died, and that she now intends to carry the beacon of his message forward. The video also depicts what appears to be a massive, potentially catastrophic XM event at a 13MAGNUS Portal in the Afghan mountains. The Indian biotech researcher and Anti-Magnus leader, Jahan, was attempting to conduct a N'zeer summoning ritual using assistance from the Resistance, but it appears something went very wrong. Analysis of the footage seems to show former Niantic researcher, [[+Devra Bogdanovich:https://plus.google.com/+DevraBogdanovich]], disappearing in a flash of XM energy.

>フィレンツェとオースティンでのEnlightenedの勝利をきっかけに、新しいintelが追随者としてのみ知られている女性から現れた。公にされた映像の中で、追随者はRoland Jarvisが死亡し、今彼のメッセージの標識として進展させるつもりだと主張する。また、その映像はアフガニスタン山中の13MAGNUSポータルでの大規模で、潜在的に壊滅的なXMイベントと思われるものを描いている。インドの生物工学者で、反MagnusのリーダーであるJahanは、レジスタンスからの支援を利用してN'zeerの召喚儀式を行おうと試みていたが、それはまったくうまく行かなかったと思われる。映像の解析からは、旧Nianticの研究者、Devra BogdanovichがXMエネルギーの閃光の中に消えたことを示しているようだ。

Footage has also emerged showing a clandestine meeting between [[+Susanna Moyer:https://plus.google.com/+SusannaMoyer]] and [[+Klue S.:https://plus.google.com/+KlueS]]. It appears that [[+A Detection Algorithm:https://plus.google.com/+ADetectionAlgorithmADA/]] has been keeping secrets, and the conspiracy at the heart of the [[+Niantic Project:https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject]] may go deeper than was ever suspected.

>また、Susanna MoyerとKlueの秘密会議の様子が映像で明らかになった。ADAが秘密を保持していたと思われ、Niantic Projectの中心にある陰謀は、これまで疑われていたよりも、深くなるかもしれない。

The next Ingress First Saturday will take place in over 120 cities across the world on March 7th, and the Shōnin Finale Anomalies will take place on March 28th, in Tokyo, Hannover and Pasadena with Satellites in Adelaide, Christchurch, Guangzhou, Cardiff, Reykjavik, Yekaterinburg, Lima, Denver and Orlando.


**2015/2/26 20:24の投稿 [#d76f8595]


In the shadows, [[+Klue S.:https://plus.google.com/+KlueS]] and [[+Susanna Moyer:https://plus.google.com/+SusannaMoyer]] hold a secret meeting. The topic of their conversation: [[+A Detection Algorithm:https://plus.google.com/+ADetectionAlgorithmADA/]] and the secrets that lie within her.

>暗闇の中で、KlueとSusanna Moyerは秘密会議を行った。トピック:ADAと彼女の内側にある秘密。

Don't ask me how I obtained this video. It's best for all involved if I don't reveal that, for now... I have my secrets too.

>どうやってこのビデオを入手したかは聞かないでくれ。それを明らかにしない方が、関係するすべてにとって最良だ、今のところは... 私にも秘密がある。



KLUE//I didn't think you'd come.


MOYER//I'm a curious sort.


KLUE//This is about ADA.


MOYER//I thought you had that whole process taken care of. Agents made the Glyphs.


KLUE//That's only part of what I need. The other part's a wee bit more difficult.


MOYER//What is it?


KLUE//When ADA was created, she wasn't built from scratch.


MOYER//Yeah, I know that. They built her using OMNIVORE.


KLUE//OMNIVORE is one component. Her analytical capabilities, her pattern recognition, that's all part of OMNIVORE.


MOYER//What's the other component?


KLUE//Her will. Her ability to feel desire, ambition, emotions. That all comes from somewhere else.


MOYER//From where?


KLUE//I don't know. She can't see it. I can't see it. Something deep inside. A void we can't access.




KLUE//He's not saying anything. He's been at the center of so much of this leaked information he knows anything he could say might be compromised.


MOYER//But you think he knows.


KLUE//Why would the NIA hire him to train ADA?




KLUE//Because he's done it before.


**2015/2/25 12:36の投稿 [#reb39daf]

[[+Roland Jarvis:https://plus.google.com/+RolandJarvisLives]] is dead, but the Enlightenment remains. She is his Acolyte, and she comes bearing a warning.

>Roland Jarvisは死んだが、啓蒙活動は残っている。彼女は彼の追随者で、警告を伝えに来る。

The Anti-Magnus leader, Jahan, set an intricate plan into motion. She tricked [[+Hank Johnson:https://plus.google.com/+HankJohnsonNomad]] into helping her uncover a powerful XM Artifact called the Shōnin stone, then took him and his long-time ally, Azmati, as her captives. 

>反Magnusのリーダー、Jahanは動きに複雑な計画を設定した。彼女はHank Johnsonを騙して、証人の石と呼ばれる強力なXMアーティファクトを明らかにするのを手伝わせ、そして彼と彼の長年の同盟者、Azmatiを捕虜として捕獲した。

Jahan forced them to lead her to the 13MAGNUS Nest, an ancient Portal in the Afghan Mountains where Hank Johnson's body lies.

>Jahanは彼らに彼女をHank Johnsonの身体があるアフガニスタン山中の古代のポータルである13MAGNUS Nestへ導くことを強いた。

With the help of Resistance activity during the first Shōnin Anomalies, Jahan hoped to conduct a ceremony that would pave the way for the arrival of the N'zeer.


But something went very wrong.




**2015/2/24 17:47の投稿 [#v43f65f5]


She calls herself his Acolyte.


Practically nothing is known about her, not even her name. She claims that [[+Roland Jarvis:https://plus.google.com/+RolandJarvisLives]] is dead, and that she intends to carry the light of the Enlightened movement forward.

>実際には彼女については、名前すら知られていない。彼女はRoland Jarvisは死んだと主張し、Enlightenedの活動の指導者として進展させるつもりである。

Will she be able to guide those seeking knowledge of the Ultimate? It's too soon to tell, but I detect a powerful resolve behind her eyes.

>彼女は究極の知識を探求することを導くことができるのだろうか? それを言うには早過ぎるが、彼女の目の奥に強力な決意を見出す。


**2015/2/23 13:32の投稿 [#vccb04fb]


I'm not sure how I missed this. I found it on a comment thread, it's an insight into the Shōnin stone from [[+Stein Lightman:https://plus.google.com/+SteinLightman/]]. I sent Stein a message earlier, suggesting he extract these ideas into their own post, but I haven't heard back yet so I'm doing it for him.

>どうしてこれを見逃していたかわからない。私はそれをコメント欄で見つけた、それとはStein Lightmanの証人の石についての洞察だ。 以前Steinにメッセージ、その投稿から考えを抜粋するよう提案を送ったが、まだ返事が返ってきてなかったので、彼のために抜粋しよう。

"Someone had a theory years ago that some sacred objects have actual power.  For instance, the first, ancient Linga Stone probably worked. It was like a key and a lock.  It was activated by XM or Dark XM or some combination channeled in. See it not for its symbolic purposes, but practical purposes.  Until exposed to XM, it looked like an inert object. When exposed, it assumed its true transdimensional nature and functioned like a vital circuit in a circuit board.  


But it was a unique object.  Later generations tried to replicate it, but it was like making a model of a computer with clay.  But, they still remembered the original magic (after all, magic is science we don't understand) and so the object had symbolic power for them.  After that, the original object passed into myth, but the symbol carried  forward. The design maintained the legacy of the original's true power.


I think this goes for obelisks, Stonehenge is probably the human reproduction of a more ancient, functioning structure. [[+Martin Schubert:https://plus.google.com/+MartinSchubertPHD]] and [[+Yuri Alaric Nagassa:https://plus.google.com/+YuriAlaricNagassa]] have convinced me that at one time there was an advanced technology on earth and that some of it exists still.  Imagine a phone that is not charged.  But when charged by a large infusion of XM, these things actually have a function. The Shōnin Stone is an authentic object."

>私はこれはオベリスク、おそらくより古代の人類の再現であるストーンヘンジの機能的構造に通じると考えている。Martin SchubertとYuri Alaric Nagassaはかつて地球上に高度な技術があり、そしていくつかはまだ存在していると私に確信させた。充電されていない携帯電話を想像してみてくれ。膨大なXMの注入によって満たされる時、それらは実際に機能を発揮する。証人の石は本物である」

**2015/2/23 2:25の投稿 [#j740b93a]


[[+H. Richard Loeb:https://plus.google.com/+HRichardLoeb]] is looking for more information about new intel that allegedly emerged at the #Shonin  Anomalies today.

>H. Richard Loebは、本日の証人アノマリーで現れたらしい新しいIntelについての詳細を探している。

So am I.


From what I've heard, there was some kind of XM event. Jahan's N'zeer summoning? Did it go wrong?

>聞いたところによると、何らかのXMイベントがあった。JahanのN'zeer召還か? それは間違った方へ行ったのか?

If you saw or heard something, please share what you discovered. Hopefully we can work together to fill in the gaps...




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