#title(Susanna Moyer)
*Susanna Moyer [#g9794dbf]


**2015/3/21 17:03 [#q4e83968]


What the hell did P. A. Chapeau do at an NSA computing center in 1997? This document is spooky...

Don't ask me how I got it. From what I've learned, it took place in a 'secure bubble' at an NSA facility. No wireless monitoring. No documentation. How did the conversation leak, then? I don't know. But it looks like my digging around about Truthseeker (Loeb AKA Chapeau's program that predated ADA and may have become a part of her) has caused some waves.

Reading through the doc, it sounds kind of crazy. And yet... stranger things have happened. If we want any real answers,  we know who has them. +H. Richard Loeb, your move.


**2015/3/12 16:17 [#v9ff01b0]


''An old NIA memo reveals 'Truthseeker,' a program made by PAC that may have been built into ADA.''


[[+Klue S.:https://plus.google.com/+KlueS]] asked for my help in finding some offline files that may help shed light on +A Detection Algorithm's origins, and so I did. I'm not sure what I expected to find.


I've only been able to gain access to one of the offline archives so far. This one was a small collection of dusty boxes filled with old NIA documents (many of which are utterly mundane). I did, however, find a few that seemed to be worth a second glance.


This one, in particular, seemed promising.


What is Truthseeker?



I have little comment on Jay Phillips' suggestion that we bring on Hubert Farlowe; physical security is outside my realm. I do find it curious, however, that he is listed as an 'Investigator.' I am assuming that this is a mistake.

>私はHubert Farloweを採用するというJay Phillipsの提案に異論はない、物理的なセキュリティは私の領域外であるし。しかしながら、私は彼が「研究者」としてリストアップされているという奇妙な点を見つけた。これは間違いだと想定している。

I would like to bring Richard Loeb onboard Niantic to tune the Detection Algorithm we are building using the Omnivore fork. I have worked with him over the years - he has done, frankly, exceptional work in the past (see 'Truthseeker' in my proposal doc) and he would, of course, bring the essential systems and ideas from his revolutionary 'Truthseeker' program with him.

>私はOmnivoreからの分岐を利用して構築しているDetection Algorithmを調整するために、NianticにRichard Loebを採用させていただきたい。私は彼と共に長年に渡って仕事をしてきた - 彼は、率直に言って、過去に並外れた仕事をなしとげた(提案書の「Truthseeker」を参照のこと)。そして、もちろん、彼は革新的な「Truthseeker」プログラムから非常に重要なシステムと考えをもたらすだろう。

Beyond that, he has a particular genius for the creation of human-like user response systems that will aid us in tuning the Detection Algorithm ubiquitous computer to be more user friendly and thus accepted by the Investigators.

>その上、よりユーザフレンドリーで調査員に受け入れられるような、Detection Algorithmユビキタスコンピュータの調整を援助する、人間のような応答システム作成のための特別な才能が彼にはある。

As to the exact 'privacy' requirement of our Investivators, I have mixed emotions. If there are areas in the Lab that can be presumed to be private, it is almost a certainty that those areas are where many of the most significant conversations will be held. My belief is that the Investigators should be informed that ALL areas will be monitored when it is perceived that conversation is taking place. In my research based on invasive reality television shows and high-surveillance environments, people soon forget that they are being monitored and default to natural communications.


**2015/3/6 6:56 [#o0812645]


Crazy news today. Threw me for a loop. Will be watching closely and report next week with an update on this incredible series of events as well as the upcoming Ingress First Saturday.

I'll be stopping by the #IngressFS  in Riverside, CA on Saturday if anyone wants to come say hello!

**2015/2/12 17:31 [#c7370334]


Got a message from someone interesting today. She said she wants to meet me.... ASAP and somewhere safe.

She sounded worried. I'm not sure what's up. 

No #IngressReport  today, going to go see what +Klue S. has to say about herself and +A Detection Algorithm.

Will keep you all posted.

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